Friday, December 9, 2011

Winter Touring Has it's Moments (Blog By Elissa)

I stumbled into my house at midnight Sunday night after a weekend traveling around Colorado on tour. I had spent myself completely, but that's what a good tour does to you. My husband Chad came on this trip as well as Becca's husband, Bryan. The four of us had piled into the 'band van' Friday afternoon, ready for an adventure. One of my friends said "Oh, I bet that is so much a mini vacation!" Yes, it WAS FUN. But, it was a "vacation" with LOTS of logistics and places to be. Getting to take the husbands with us is a treat.

On the way up to Fort Collins, CO, Bryan drove while Becca ran the juke box of Switchfoot's new Vise Verses.

The event was a Christmas Tea with women of all ages. Too many twinkle lights to count, gorgeous table-scapes all prepared with the best linens, dishes and centerpieces. Each table was decorated by a different individual from the church! The room just sparkled.

We shared songs from our new album and our Christmas EP Beautiful Miracle. We helped a handful of kids get sponsored through Compassion International at our table. This gets me excited! Just think, the nations were impacted, many families were given aid and the Gospel was shared around the world, all through a Women's Tea in Colorado. Saturday morning was just as exciting when we performed again and a woman gave her life to Jesus.

We drove to Cheyenne, Wyoming Saturday night. Now, at this point the snow was getting a little nasty, but the roads were still manageable. We were getting hour-by-hour weather updates. "Sounds like it's stirring up for a big storm," said one broadcast. We unloaded the van and soundchecked. In the morning, I needed a load of coffee to get me going. The usual brew of the day is a cup of TEA, but I call in the coffee when I'm up at 6 am like I was on Sunday. Get to the church early and pray. That's the plan. Worship was exciting and I felt the Holy Spirit doing something really unique. I sang 'Mighty To Save', like I have dozens of times, but it felt like the first. God was moving and infusing faith in all of us. Calvary Chapel Cheyenne is a happening church, full of life, and awesome people. I hope we get to return soon!

The four of us were really hungry after church, and hoping for a GOOD bite to eat. Not the Burger King or MacDonalds, which sometimes happens to be the only place to eat when you're on the road. Not this day! All of us celebrated when we saw Chipolte.

Sunday afternoon we drove back down south to Denver, way out east to a large home for a "house concert". We have talked about doing this for a long time, but this was our first "house concert". The four of us set up in the living room. Becca on keys, Bryan on his djembe, Chad and me both on acoustic guitars. Chad is the master of guitar and keeps me on my toes instrumentally. The youth group of Redeemer Presbyterian and the leaders and parents joined us that night. The concert couldn't help but be personal and fun. We were right there in the living room hanging out with everyone! Talk about UP CLOSE. So fun. All the girls chatted with us in the kitchen for a couple hours. We loved it. Packing up and driving home was the hard part. The blizzard had really set in.

It was completely dark (no street lights) with six inches of snow on the road already. No snow plows had come through yet. To make it worse, our wind shield wipers weren't doing a good enough job. Caking ice all over so the drive was straining to see. The four of us prepared for a long long drive home and a stop at the Castlerock Walmart for new wipers. The boys are good with cars and the new wipers were installed quick. Bryan set the wipers in action and it was bad news. They didn't do a thing and in fact, it just smeared the water around. Ugh. It's late and we're tired. Chad decided to check the wipers again. Oh wait. The plastic is still on the edge. Ha. Now the wipers are working better than ever. Thank goodness! We need to get home! Winter touring has it's moments.


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